суббота, 1 октября 2011 г.

A Doll-Queen

She inspires me. She is 13 and her Name is Masha. And she is just such a great model. Much better than I am, actually. I like people who can read my thoughts. It is a pleasure to work with them. One day I will form a team of people who can read my thoughts, and whose thoughts I will be able to read, too. And we will be making great films. I often have a idea in my head, it appears like a picture and I see it, in front of my eyes. I do not really see all details, but i do see the atmosphere of it. And here come this special kind of people who can read my thoughts. Somehow they understand the atmosphere I want to show (I really do not know how- because when i try to explain my ideas, my trying often end without any success.). And then we create. And I love the act of creation. But I hate tiding up afterwards)
The most difficult thing in photo shootings like this is to choose the best photos. Well and the most easyone- maybe to invent this picture in my head… I have so many ideas, and I am glad that I am able to bring them to live. finally. 

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